Brush With the Law uses the visual arts in community-based beautification projects throughout the Philadelphia metropolitan area. Projects are led by professional artists who create together with college students, people assigned community service hours, advocates and members of the behavioral health community, and volunteers from the neighborhoods we work in to create public art.

Brush With the Law has a
YouTube Channel.
Check it out…. Cause why not?
The experience of feeling accepted and welcomed into a community is a powerful stimulus for change amongst participants and the artworks made produce visual affirmations of change, transforming “blighted” spaces to reveal the strength and spirit of the community.
that by working on creative projects that serve the community, people start to understand and recognize one another as human beings.

Mural painted in front entrance at Resources for Human Development’s, CHOC to help bring about a welcome and inviting vibe.
Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick televised on C-Span at U.S. House of Representatives recognizing Brush With the Law as an outstanding nonprofit organization.
Thank you!